Swagbucks 101

Swagbucks 101
(Earn Gift cards for being on-line)
Thanks to a friend of mine I was introduced to this wonderful site were you could do a variety of different thing to points which could then be traded in for Giftcards. I know at first your like no one pays you do anything on-line, well its so not true, so far I have earned over $150 since starting in May 2013.
First create an account: Click Here
Tips on how to start earning Swagbucks
Swagbuck = SBs
Shopping: You earn points for shopping. Any where from 1 to 6 SBs per dollar spent. But it takes 30 days for the points to come in. (They want to make sure you don't cancel the order. If you do cancel the order, the company will revoke the SBs awarded.)

Searching: If you use search engines like Yahoo or Google this could be a good replacement because you earn SBs for searching or sometimes, I just search random stuff until I get a win. Sometimes I'll get a win after just a couple of searches and other times it might take 20 searches.

Watch: Swagbuck TV, also referred to as SBTV. You earn 3 SBs for every 10 videos.  This is a good activity to do while doing other stuff around the house. 

Play: You can earn up to 10 points per day playing games. You get 2 SBs after every second game. 

Answer: There are Surveys, the Daily Poll and Tasks. Do the Daily Poll EVERY DAY!   The first time you access the Surveys, you're going to need to address various questions in your Survey Profile. (Ex: Age, Married vs. Single, children, etc. This is so the survey companies know what surveys you might qualify for. You get points for filling out the survey profiles.)

Discover: This is where you get their coupons!! You can print up to two of each and will earn 10 SBs for every coupon that you use/redeem! I print and use a lot of these!! And will also print up coupons that I don't use/need and just leave them in the store near the products so that other people can use them, because if someone else redeems them, I still get the 10 points for each one!!

Special Offers: These are offers that you can take advantage of and earn points by doing them. Some require you to watch a video. Some require a purchase. Some will say no purchase required, but a credit card is needed. And others will require a download of some sort. There are plenty of "free" offers that don't require either.

NOSO: You can do this once a day too! You click the orange/red button that says "Start earning now" (or something) and then just click "skip" or "See Next Offer." You'll skip through 5 or 6 of these offers and will then see a page that requires you to type in a CAPTCHA. After doing that, you get 2 SBs.

Toolbar: I have this loaded on Google. You'll earn 1 SB per day after opening Swagbucks via the toolbar. 

Rewards: This is where you go to redeem your Swagbucks for free gift cards, items in the Swagbucks store, etc.

The Flower-like icon: Click on this to enter a Swag Code. Swagbucks usually puts out a code once a day. The code is random and is only active for an hour or two, but will award anywhere from 2 - 8 points. I just check the SB's Facebook page throughout the day. Examples of past codes: ImNuts, iPodNano, WakeUpCa11, EnterMeFor3, etc.

InBox: Swagbucks will send you "email" with various opportunities to earn Swagbucks. Not everyone gets the same messages all of the time though.

Swagbucks TV Mobile (SBTVM):  These are like the videos on the "watch" tab, but isn't available on your computer. It's available via an app that can be downloaded Kindle Fire, iPad, or a smart phone. With SBTVM, you get 2 SBs for every 5 videos, up to 50 points a day.

Need Extra Help Check Out: Swagbucks 101

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